HIS 465 Week 2
Going over this weeks readings and going to class has taught me that, not all societies from the past were all dominated by the males in the relationships. I understand that it was not completely equal in the Indian relationships, but they had many parallels that were not very common for that time, in the world. It is nice to know that they seem to have a lot of respect for the women in their cultural. They seem to have a good grasp on how important women are in society. Unlike the Spanish society having the men rule, and for the most part, treating women like second-class citizens. They both come from different world and it is a bit crazy too see how much the Spanish society changed the world for Indians. I know that some good came out of this, and it did change the world, but I would of like to see more of a mix for both culturals in this emergence.
Also going over the readings I was very surprised to learn how some Indian women wanted to get married to Spanish men. It seem to me that there have been a few reasons for this but the main one was probably because some Indian women wanted to move up to the noble class. It is also surprising to me that some Spanish men wanted to be involved with Indian women because it would seem that cultural from the past with more money and or technology would be the upper class cultural and for the most part they did not want to mix with the lower class cultural. For example, going back to 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia the English men did not mix with the Indian women, other than John Smith and Pocahontas, because the English men looked down upon the Indians, and did not want to mix with them.
Another theory of mine could be that sicene the Incans had a very elaborate décor the Spanish men could of seen the Indians as equal or even more wealthy then them, because of what they had, GOLD, and the Spanish men could of found the Indian women attractive. I guess what I am trying to say is that, not only having the Indian women married Spanish men to raise higher in the noble ranks, but maybe the lower class Spanish men would of seen the upper class Indian women as high nobles and could of married the Indian women to gain nobility. For the most part I think this is a good expiation of the mixing of cultural, they are not raciest, but rather wanting to move up in the noble ranks, who know maybe it could have been because of true love!!!