some resources for making course sites
A list of some links to resources on building online course sites:
- Slides from a talk by Jeremy Boggs (UVa/Scholarslab) on building course websites with WordPress
- Make a Course Website with Google Sites
- Profhacker on building a course calendar with google calendar and wordpress
- A post I wrote on aggregating student blogs
- Another post I once wrote on building an academic ecosphere with WordPress
- A post I wrote on the dangers of rolling your own
- On HASTAC, building course sites with Drupal
- A tutorial for using pbworks wiki for course sites
- Slides for that tutorial on pbworks by Michael Grant
- Mark Frydenberg, “Wikis as a Tool for Collaborative Course Managmenet“, JOLT
- Another site on building course sites with WordPress by SHANTI at UVa
- Marybeth Green and Gerri Maxwell, “Wikify Your Course: Designing and Implementing a Wiki for Your Learning Environment“, Educause Quarterly 33.3 (2010)