Week 1: Introduction (August 29)
- This Syllabus!!
In-class viewings:
- Selections from the Lumiere brothers, Sergei Eisenstein, bell hooks, and D.W. Griffith.
Week 2: Precolombia I (September 5)
- Transcript of bell hooks, “Cultural Criticism & Transformation”
- Donald F. Stevens, Based on a True Story: Latin American History at the Movies, Intro and Chapter 1.
- Tom Gunning, “Making Sense of Film.”
- Charles Mann, “1491.” The Atlantic Monthly, March 2002.
- J. Eric Thompson, “The Meaning of Maize for the Maya”
At-home viewing:
- The Five Suns. If that link doesn’t work, or you’re off campus and need to sign in, here is the record in the UT library catalog.
In-class viewing:
- The Popul Vuh
Writing due:
- Précis for Stevens, hooks, and Mann.
Week 3: Apocalypto (September 12)
- Restall and Lane, Chapters 1-3.
- David Freidel, “Betraying the Maya,” Archaeology 60, no. 2 (March/April 2007): 36-41.
- Traci Ardren, “Is Apocalypto Pornography?” Archaeology, December 5, 2006
- Andrea Stone, “Orcs in Loincloths,” Archaeology, January 3, 2007
In-class viewing:
- Apocalypto
- Précis for Freidel article.
Week 4: Caribbean Phase (September 19)
Discussion of Apocalypto
- Restall and Lane, Chapters 4-5.
- Sonya LIpsett-Rivera and Sergio Rivera Ayala, “Columbus Takes On the Forces of Darkness, or Film and Historical Myth in 1492: The Conquest of Paradise,” Based on a True Story, Chapter 2.
- Matthew Restall, Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest, “A Handful of Adventurers: The Myth of Exceptional Men,” pp. 1-27.
- Précis of Lipsett-Rivera and of Restall.
Week 5: 1492 (September 26)
- The Requerimiento.
- Leo j. Garofalo, “Christopher Columbus Evaluates Indigenous Societies,” pp. 6-16 in Documenting Latin America: Gender, Race, Empire Volume 1.
- Leo J. Garofalo, “European Priests Discuss Ruling Indigenous and African Peoples,” pp. 57-68.
- Précis of Garofalo primary sources.
- Reaction paper to Apocalypto
Week 6: Conquest I (October 3)
Discussion of 1492
- Restall and Lane, Chapters 6-7.
- Indian Conquistadors, Intro and Ch. 1.
- Camila Townsend, “Burying the White Gods: New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico,” AHR 108.3 (2003): 659-687.
- Precis of Indian Conquistadors and Townsend.
Week 7: La otra conquista (October 10)
- Restall and Lane, Chapter 8.
- Mesoamerican Voices, Ch. 3.
- 2.J. Michael Francis. “In the Service of God, I Order these Temples of Idolatrous Worship Razed to the Ground”: Extirpation of Idolatry and the Search for the Santuario Grande of Iguaque (Columbia, 1595)” in Colonial Lives, pp. 39-53.
- “Orders given to the Twelve (1523)” in Mills, Taylor, and Graham Colonial Latin America: A Documentary History,” (SR Books, 2004): 59-64.
- Précis of Mesoamerican Voices.
- Reaction paper to 1492.
Week 8: Colonial Society I - Gender (October 17)
Discussion of La otra conquista
- Restall and Lane, Chapters 10-12.
- Few, Martha. “Women, Religion, and Power: Gender and Resistance in Daily Life in Late-Seventeenth-Century Santiago de Guatemala.” Ethnohistory 42:4 (Autumn 1995), 627-637).
- Rosalva Loreto Lopez (trans. Sonya Lipsett-Rivera), “The Devil, Women, and the Body in Seventeenth-Century Puebla Convents,” The Americas 59.2 (October 2002): 181-199.
- Précis of Few and Lopez.
Week 9: I, Worst of All (October 24)
- Susan E. Ramirez, “I, the Worst of All: The Literary Life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”
- Leo J. Garofalo, “Ambitious Women in a ‘Man’s World’” pp. 140-149.
- Read the six Sor Juana sonnets here.
- Kathryn Burns, “Gender and the Politics of Mestizaje: The Convent of Santa Clara,” HAHR 78.1 (Feb 1998): 5-44.
- Reaction paper, La otra conquista.
- Précis for Burns.
Week 10: Colonial Society I – Slavery (October 31)
Discussion of I, Worst of All
- Restall and Lane, Chapter 9.
- William Van Norman, “Café con azúcar: The Expansion fo the Slave Population and Plantations,” in Shade-Grown Slavery (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2013).
- Sherwin Bryant, “Finding Gold, Forming Slaver: The Creation fo a Classic Slave Society, Popayan, 1600-1700” The Americas 63.1 (july 2006), pp. 81-112.
- Manuel Barcia, “Homicides, Conspiracies, and Revolts,” in Seeds of Insurrection (Baton Rouge: LSU Press)
- Précis for Van Norman, Barcia, and Bryant.
Week 11: La ultima cena (November 7)
- The documents from Gloria García Rodríguez, Ada Ferrer, and Nacy Westrate, eds. Voices of the Enslaved in Nineteenth-Century Cuba (Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2011):
- Chapter 5. The Plantation Social Network
- Chapter 6. The Labor Relations of Coartado Slaves
- Chapter 7. The Master’s Violent Hand.
- William Van Norman, “When Everyday Actions Escalate: Resistance, Rebellions, and Cultural Complexity,” in Shade-Grown Slavery.
- Reaction paper, I, Worst of All.
- Précis on Van Norman.
Week 12: Bourbon Reforms (November 14)
Discussion of La ultima cena
- Restall and Lane, Chapters 13-14.
- Chad Black, Limits of Gender Domination, Chapters 1 and 2. (
- Mary-Elizabeth Reeve, “Regional Interaction in Western Amazon: The Early Colonial Encounter and the Jesuit Years: 1538-1767,” Ethnohistory 41.1 (Winter 1993): 106-138.
- Précis on Black and Reeve.
Week 13: The Mission (November 21)
- James Schofield Saeger, “The Mission and Historical Missions: Film and the Writing of History”, The Americas Vol. 51 No. 3 (1995): pp. 393-415. (On JSTOR)
- “José de Gálvez’s Decrees for the King’s Subjects in Mexico (1769, 1778).
- Olga Merino and Linda Newson, “Jesuit Missions in Spanish America: The Aftermath of the Expulsion,” Yearbook 21 (995), 133-148.
- Leo Garofalo, “High Clergy Warns the Crown of Popular Discontent”, pp. 207-214.
- Reaction paper, La última cena.
- Précis Merino and Newson, and Saeger.
Week 14: Colonial Legacies (November 28)
Discussion of The Mission
- Restall and Lane, Chapter 15.
- Michael Gobat, “The Invention of Latin America,” AHR (Dec 2013): 1345-1375.
- Précis of Gobat.
Week 15: Tambien La Lluvia (December 5)
- Reaction paper, The Mission.