
  • An American’s Reaction to Cocalero– Admittedly, I probably care more about politics than the average person but even so the world around us is a highly politicized place. America just had our presidential election and, maybe it’s just because I am old enough to notice and care, the US was a hot bed of political dialogue. It also seems to […]

Indigenous People of Latin America

  • Evo Morales– Evo Morales is certainly not the traditional politician. He gets his hair cut at a simple barbershop and drives himself around in his own car. He refuses to pay people for votes, and even if principle did not forbid it, … Continue reading

parezco y digo

  • What contribute…– What contributes to this misconception (that the Internet is chaotic rather than highly controlled), I suggest, is that protocol is based on a contradiction between two opposing machines: One machine radically distributes control into autonomous locales, the other machine focuses<div class="read-more">Read more ›</div>


  • Will the Ixil at least have their day in Court?– Earlier this month the former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Mott, and his former chief of military intelligence, Mauricio Rodriguez Sanchez, went on trial for their alleged involvement in the genocide of the indigenous Ixil Mayans of Guatemala. At this point in … Continue reading


  • To Elect or Not to Elect– The film “Cocalero” focuses on the campaign of Evo Morales and the cocalero movement. Every aspect of this film is not only interesting but also thought provoking. This documentary is unlike other political documentaries because there is no narrator or use of previously filmed footage. All of the footage and interactions in the film are […]


  • 4/22– 1. Yes, it does seem that the film makers were given full access to Evo during his campaign. Viewers were able to to see Evo at all levels, if it was personally such as seeing him get a haircut, piddling around his modest house, or professionally speaking at a campaign rally in Venezuela in front […]

Making Sense of History

  • Myths of Jamestown– I recently sat in on a literature class at a local community college in my area and discovered something very disheartening. It seems we live in a modern age but take a very primitive outlook on how American History is taught in schools. When the professor asked if anyone knew why Cpt. John Smith returned […]

It’s a blog about history

  • Time to Post About… ¡Pachakutik!– Alright so I’m about 100 pages into the book so far, and it’s pretty enjoyable. Despite the alphabet soup that plagues just about every page (Being a Political Science major helps…), it’s a pretty good read. It’s great to read about modern movements, as many people feel a sense of inefficacy in the world today. It’s awesome […]


  • Let us have a Revolution– In all honesty, true stories are disappointing which is what makes non-fiction less fun.  You already know how things end up because you are living it.  That said, I was sad to find out the Pachakutik movement was unsuccessful in their political endeavors.   However, this does not mean that there is no hope for the […]


  • The Power of the Alphabet– After reading the early portion of The Lettered Mountain, one cannot help but feel a newfound respect for Huarochiri culture and a better grasp for just what kind of a role the alphabet plays within society. Among many things that … Continue reading


  • Cocaleros– - How does the filmmaker use visual perspective in the film? Do you have the impression they were given full access to Evo during the campaign? The footage we were shown in the documentary felt personal and truthful. I believe this is because their access, while maybe not complete, was very open. Of course, there […]


  • The Mission part 2– While concluding our viewing of The Mission, I have found that the movie does a good job bringing a lesser known historical era to life.  The Jesuits, however, are portrayed as mediators throughout the movie and toward the end as warriors.  I find my only complaint with that is the obvious Hollywood brandishing, but it … Continue reading


  • Blog 3– Camila Townsend begins by recognizing the myth that the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica initially saw the Spaniards as gods, an idea that many regard as fact after centuries of repetition of the tale.  The fifth chapter of the Florentine Codex … Continue reading


  • Indigenous political movements– The film Cocalero portrays Evo Morales’ campaign in Bolivia as well as the cocalero movement. Morales was the leader of the cocalero union and became the first indigenous president of Bolivia when he ran as the Movement for Socialism candidate. The cocalero movement was formed by coca farmers mainly in the Chapare province and the […]


  • Independence and the New “Indian”– The early nineteenth century saw a surge of nationalism, independence, and a renewed interest and exaltation of native culture. In her book Return of the Native, Rebecca Earle illustrates how the term “Indian” evolved through colonization and independence. The Revolutions … Continue reading

Fantasma De Cipactli

  • Who is facing the struggle?– Unfortunately for the rest of the world, we as Americans seem to believe that it is our job to “fix” anyone who does not share the same lifestyles, culture, or whatever else we deem as important in life. The film … Continue reading


  • Reform, Revolt, and Revolutions– I am so glad that we are reading Pachakutuk because I finally get to relate this class to my Global Studies/ Political Economy classes. I have extensively studied Latin American politics, human rights, neoliberalism, and what it means to be a nation and I have been searching for discussions of indigenous land rights for a […]


  • Cocalero– I thought the movie Cocalero provided an interesting prospective on what it means to be indigenous in a country where indigenous people have fewer rights/opportunities than people of European descent.  Discussion Questions: How does the filmmaker use visual perspective in the film? Do you have the impression they were given full access to Evo during the […]


  • All hail the unbiased documentary!– Cocalero was a quintessential documentary- a no fluff, no bullshit look at Evo Morales’ campaign and win for the Bolivian presidency. It chronicles his work in the coca unions, his participation in MAS, relationships with his colleagues, and his enjoyment swimming in his underwear with his friends. All combine into a very revealing, thoughtful, ‘grass roots’ […]


  • Culture of Stone (p.65-142)– In Chapter 2, Dean’s analysis focuses upon the integral role of stone in the Inkas’ establishment of a reciprocal relationship with the earth. Beyond its structural functions, the employment of stone in Inkan society reflects the profound interconnectedness observed by Inkas between man and the natural environment that surrounds him. Dean begins to develop this […]


  • ¡Pachakutik!– I have learned that I cannot blog very well. Despite that fact, it has been an interesting journey into the blogosphere. This week we covered the rise of indigenous political agency in South America. The concept of globalization continues to … Continue reading