Week 1: Introduction
Thursday, January 10, 2019
- Syllabus
Week 2: Theory and Practice of Sport History
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 –
Dave Day & Wray Vamplew “Sports History Methodology: Old and New,” The International Journal of the History of Sport, 32:15 (2015), 1715-1724.
Barbara Keyes, “Senses and Emotions in the History of Sport,” Journal of Sport History, 40.1 (Spring 2013), pp. 21-38.
Allen Guttmann, “Play, Games, Contests, Sports” From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004).
Thursday, January 17, 2019 –
Joseph L Arbena “The Later Evolution of Modern Sport in Latin America: The North American Influence”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 18:3 (2001), 43-58.
J.A. Mangan, “The Early Evolution of Modern Sport in Latin America: A Mainly English Middle-Class Inspiration?” The International Journal of the History of Sport, 18:3 (2001), 9-42.
Week 3: Premodern Sport, Ritual, and Leisure
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Alejandro Martínez Muriel and Emilie Carreón Blaine, “Santa Rosa, Chiapas: Human Sacrifice and the Mesoamerican Ballgame,” pp 211-230 in Boxt, Matthew A. , Dillon, Brian B., Carrasco, Davíd, eds. Fanning the Sacred Flame. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2012.
José Antonio Funes-Pérez, Juan Rodríguez-López & Alfonso Manas “Medieval Córdoba: From Umayyad Recreations to Competitive Christian Sport,” The International Journal of the History of Sport, 33:10 (2016), 1009-1027.
Play around with this site.
Chose one of the above articles for a memo.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
- David Patrick Cahill, “The Virgin and the Inca: An Incaic Procession in the City of Cuzco in 1692,” Ethnohistory, 49.3 (Summer 2002), pp. 611-649.
Week 4: Transitions I – the 19th century
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
- Beezley, through page 88.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
- Beezley, finish.
Week 5: Transitions II – the New Century
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
- Joshua Nadel, Fútbol!, Introduction and Chapter 1.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
- Raanan Rein, “People of the Book or People of the (Foot)Ball? On the Pitch with Fans of Atlanta in Buenos Aires,” in Sheinin, Sports Culture in Latin American History.
Week 6: Populism, Sport, and Nation I
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
- Joshua Nadel, Fútbol!, Chapter 2.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Gregg P. Bocketti, “Italian Immigrants, Brazilian Football, and the Dilemma of National Identity,” Journal of Latin American Studies 49.2 (May 2008): 275-302.
Brenda Elsey, “The Independent Republic of Football: The Politics of Neighborhood Clubs in Santiago, Chile, 1948-1960,” Journal of Social History 42.3 (Spring 2009): 605-630.
Chose one of the above for today’s memo.
Week 7: Populism, Sport, and Nation II
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
- Roberta Park, “From La Bomba to Béisbol: Sport and the Americanization of Puerto Rico, 1898-1950,” International Journal of the History of Sport 28.17 (2011): 2575-2593.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Alan Klein, “Latinizing the ‘national pastime’,” The International Journal of the History of Sport, 24:2 (2007), 296-310.
Alan Klein, “Culture, Politics, and Baseball in the Dominican Republic,” Latin American Perspectives 22.3 (1995): 111-130.
Chose one of these for today’s memo.
Week 8: Boxing, Race, and Empire
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
- Enver M. Casimir, “Contours of Transnational Contact: Kid Chocolate, Cuba, and the United States in the 1920s and 1930s,” Journal of Sport History, 39.3 (2012): 487-506.
DUE: Mexican Sportsman Paper
Thursday, February 28, 2019
- Michael Donogoghue, “Roberto Durán, Omar Torrijos, and the Rise of the Isthmian Machismo,” in Sheinin, Sports Culture in Latin American History.
Watch “No Mas” in class.
Week 9: Panamerican Games and Empire
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
- Introduction, and pick two articles from the special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport on the Pan-American games. IJHS 33.1-2 (2016).
Thursday, March 7, 2019
DUE: week’s precis.
Week 10: Olympics, Mexico 1968
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
- Eric Zolov, “Showcasing the ‘Land of Tomorrow’: Mexico and the 1968 Olympics,” The Americas 51.2 (2004): 159-188.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
- Celeste González Bustamante, “1968 Olympic Dreams and Tlatelolco Nightmares: Imagining and Imaging Modernity on Television,” Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, 26.1 (2010): 1-30.
Week 11: SPRING BREAK!!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Week 12: Luchas
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Watch “The Two Escobars”
Thursday, March 28, 2019
DUE: Review of Heather Levi, The World of Lucha Libre: Secrets, Revelations, and Mexican National Identity (Durham: Duke University Press, 2008).
Week 13: Military Dictatorships and the Political Use of Sport
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
- Joshua Nadel, Fútbol, Chapters 3-4.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Euclides de Freitas Couto “Football, Control and Resistance in the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the 1970s,” The International Journal of the History of Sport (2014) 31:10, 1267-1277.
Gloria Medina-Sancho and Margot Olavarria, ‘Spaces Recovered by Memory: Film Language and Testimony in Parot’s “Estadio Nacional”,’ Latin American Perspectives 40.1 (January 2013).
Jennifer L. Schaefer, “Mapping Politics into the Stadium: Political Demonstrations and Soccer Culture in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1973–74,” Journal of Sport History, 44:2 (2017): 193-208.
Week 14: Global Sport Capitalism
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
- Joshua Nadel, finish the book.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
- Football in the Americas: Fútbol, Futebol, Soccer: Pages 253-268 (“Round Pegs in Square Holes? South American players in the Premiership”)
- O’Donnell, Hugh. “Mapping the Mythical: A Geopolitics of National Sporting Stereotypes.” Discourse & Society 5, no. 3 (July 1, 1994): 345–380.
Week 15: Capoeira and Jujitsu
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
- Katya Wesolowski, “From ‘Moral Disease’ to ‘National Sport’: Race, Nation, and Capoeira in Brazil,” in Sheinin, Sports Culture in Latin American History.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Greg Downey, “Domesticating an Urban Menace: Reforming Capoeira as a Brazilian National Sport,” IJHS 19.4 (2002): 1-32.
Listen to 30 for 30 podcast Season 2 Episode 2 on the birth of the UFC.
Week 16: Rio 2014 and 2016
Tuesday, April 23
Football in the Americas: Fútbol, Futebol, Soccer—pages 75-93 (“Transformations in National Identity through Football in Brazil”).
Christopher Gaffney, “Mega-events and socio-spatial dynamics in Rio de Janeiro, 1919-2016,” Journal of Latin American Geography 9.1 (2010): 7-29.
Thursday, April 25
- Dave Zirin, “How the Rio Olympics Could Cement a Brazilian Coup.” From The Nation Magazine.