

8/18: Course Welcome (in class)

8/23: Charting the Earliest Americans (in class) - slides


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 1.

Mann, Charles C. “1491” The Atlantic Monthly (March 2002).

Stix, Gary. “The Migration History of Humans: DNA Study Traces Human Origins across the Continents.” Scientific American Magazine (July 2008).

Handout on Primary and Secondary Sources.

Early America I:


8/25 Maya Lives (online)

8/30 Mexica Imperialism (in class) - slides


Thompson, J. Eric. “The Meaning of Maize for the Maya.” in Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson, eds., The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pp. 86-91.

Anonymous. “The Popul Vuh.” In Joseph and Henderson, eds., The Mexico Reader, pp. 79-85.

Roberts, David, Wolfgang Kaehler, and Anne Bolen. “Secrets of the Maya: Deciphering Tikal.” Smithsonian 35.4 (July 2004): 42-48.

Inga Clendinnen, “The Costs of Courage in Aztec society,” pp. 61-78 in The Mexico Reader.

Burkhardt, Louise M. “Mexica Women on the Home Front: Housework and Religion in Aztec Mexico” in Schroeder, Susan et al. Indian Women of Early Mexico, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), pp. 25-54.

Early America II:


9/1 Inca Imperial Culture (online)

9/6 Labor Day - no class


Gordon Brotherson, “Tahuantinsuyu,” Book of the Fourth world. Reading the Native Americans Through their Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992): 193-211.

Irene Silverblatt, “Moon, Sun, Witches”, pp. 34-48 in Starn, et. al, The Peru Reader (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995).

Old World Antecedents:


9/8 From Convivencia to Reconquista (online)

9/13 Projections (in class) - slides


“Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The Islamic Conquest of Spain.”

“Las Siete Partidas: Laws on Jews.”

“King Ferdinand, Marriage Concessions (1469)” in Jon Cowans, ed. Early Modern Spain: A Documentary History (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003): 7-9.

“Surrender Treaty of the Kingdom of Granada (1491)” in Cowans, Early Modern Spain: 15-19.

“Decree of Expulsion of the Jews (1492)” in Cowans, Early Modern Spain: 20-23.

The Early Encounter:


9/15 Caribbean Conquest (online)

9/20 First history255/contacts (in class) - slides


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 2.

Christopher Columbus’s Log, excerpted in English. Focus on period after Oct. 11.

The Requerimiento

Antonio Montesinos, “Advent Sermon”

“The Relación of Fray Ramón Pane (c. 1494-1496)”

“The Laws of Burgos. 1512-1513”

The Conquest of Native Empires:


9/22 Conquest Myths and Realities I (online)

9/27 Conquest Myths and Realities II (in class)


Lockhart and Otte, Letters and People of the Spanish Indies: 16th Century (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976), selections.

Matthew Restall, et. al., Mesoamerican Voices: Native-Language Writings from Colonial Mexico, Oaxaca, Yucatan, and Guatemala (Cambridge: 2005): Chapter 3.

“The Spaniards’ Entry into Tenochtitlan,” The Mexico Reader, 97-104.

Exam I - 9/29 (in class)

Film: La Otra Conquista - 10/4, 10/6 (in class)


“Orders Given to the Twelve (1523)” in Mills, Taylor, and Graham Colonial Latin America: A Documentary History,” (SR Books, 2004): 59-64.

J. Michael Francis. “In the Service of God, I Order these Temples of Idolatrous Worship Razed to the Ground”: Extirpation of Idolatry and the Search for the Santuario Grande of Iguaque (Columbia, 1595)” in Colonial Lives, pp. 39-53.

Bartolomé de Las Casas, Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies, excerpt.

From Cataclysm to Order:


10/11 Taming the Conquest (in class - slides)

10/13 Institutions of Rule and Religion (online)

10/18 The Inquisition (in class - slides)


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 3.

Suzanne Alchon, “Colonialism, Disease, and the Spanish Conquest of the Carribbean, Mesoamerica, and the Central Andes,” in A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective (Univ. of NM Press, 2003): 60-82.

“The New Laws”

J.L Phelan, “Authority and Flexibility in the Spanish Imperial Bureaucracy” Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 1, Special Issue on Comparative Public Administration. (Jun., 1960), pp. 47-65. (Available through the library website.)

Jacqueline Holler, “The Spiritual and Physical Ecstasies of a Sixteenth-Century Beata: Marina de San Miguel Confesses before the Mexican Inquisition.” Colonial Lives, pp. 77-100.

Colonial Economy - Labor and Production


10/20 Tribute, Tax, Labor (online)

10/25 Mining (in class - slides)


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 4-5.

Woodrow Borah, “The Indians of Tejupan Want to Raise Silk on Their Own,” Colonial Lives, 6-10.

Ward Stavig, The World of Túpac Amaru, Ch. 6.

Slave and Free Africans


10/27 The Atlantic Slave Economy (online)

11/1 Varieties of Slave Experience (in class - slides) {PAPER DUE!!!}


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 6.

Jane Landers, “Felipe Edimboro Sues for Manumission, Don Francisco Xavier Sánchez contests (Florida, 1794),” in Colonial Lives, pp. 249-268.

Kris Lane, “Captivity and Redemption: Aspects of Slave LIfe in early Colonial Quito and Popoyan,” The Americas 57.2 (2000), 225-246. (Available through the library website.)

Gender and Sexuality


11/3 Prescriptions and Practices (online)

11/8 Marriage and Family (in class - slides)


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 7.

Patricia Seed, “Marriage Promises and the Value of a Woman’s Testimony in Colonial Mexico,” Signs 13.2 (Winter, 1988): 146-152. (Available through the library website.)

Lavrin, Asunción. “Sexuality in Colonial Mexico: A Church Dilemma.” Pp. 47-95 in, Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America. Lavrin, ed. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1992. If that link gives you problems, try this one.

Richard Boyer, “Catarina María Compains that Juan Teoia Forcibly Deflowered Her (Mexico, 1693)” in Colonial Lives: 155-165.

Order and Disorder


11/10 An Uneasy Peace (online)

11/15 Bourbon and Pombaline Reforms (in class - slides)


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 8.

Ann Twinam, “Drinking, Gambling, and Death on a Colonial Hacienda (Quito, 1768)” 156-159 in Colonial Lives.

“José de Gálvez’s Decrees for the King’s Subjects in Mexico (1769, 1778)” in Mills, et. al., Colonial Latin America, pp. 270-273.

Steinar A. Saether, “Bourbon Absolutism and Marriage Reform in Late Colonial Spanish America,” The Americas 59.4 (April 2003): 475-509. (Available through the library website.)

Late Colonial Rebellion


11/17 Death and Taxes (online)

11/22 Pan-Andean Uprisings (in class - )


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 9

Elizabeth Penry, “Letters of Insurrection: The Rebellion of the Communities (Charcas, 1781)” in Colonial Lives: 201-215.

David T. Garrett, “His Majesty’s Most Loyal Vassals”: The Indian Nobility and Túpac Amaru,” Hispanic American Historical Review, 84:4 (2004): 575-617. (Available through the library website.)

Towards Independence


11/24 The Bonaparte Crisis (online)

11/29 An Anti-colonial Revolution? (in class - slides)


Burkholder and Johnson, Chapter 10.

12/3 8:00am-10:00am Final Exam